Nov 17, 2017
LAN Speed Test v4 is available!
We are happy to announce that LAN Speed Test v4 is now available. This is the much anticipated update to our most popular network tool. LAN Speed Test v4 includes many new features and enhancements, such as availability for Windows and Mac computers, the ability to choose from multiple network connections, a much improved user interface and much more!
LAN Speed Test's user interface has been greatly improved
Plus it's fully high DPI - aware!
As 4k Ultra HD and retina diplays have become more common, LAN Speed Test's user interface can now automatically scale to look great on any screen. No more tiny text and icons on high dpi monitors.
LAN Speed Test Lite LAN Speed Test and LAN Speed Test (Lite) are now the same download. LAN Speed Test v4 starts in a completely free (Lite) mode. LAN Speed Test (Lite) is fully functional with no nag screens, no time limits, etc. - only some of the more advanced features are disabled.
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Some of LAN Speed Test 4.0 features include...
- Test the speed of your Local Network by testing to/from network shared folders
- Test the speed of your local drives (USB Drives, hard drives, etc.)
- Compatible with LST Server (v1.5 or later) for real network performance results without hard drive limitations – Even test your WAN (Internet) speed with LST Server
- Completely Portable - No installation needed
- Available for Windows and Mac computers
- Ability to choose Network Interface Card for computers with multiple NICs
- Ability to view each packet's results in a chart or by details *
- Email results manually, automatically, or only when under a certain speed *
- Log results to .csv file with user configurable file location. All entries are SQL compatible for easy importing into SQL Server, MySql, etc.) *
- Option to log Avg, Max, & Min automatically *
- View/Edit Log built right into LAN Speed Test *
- Network Scan (see other devices on your network, keep notes about them, etc.) *
- Run multiple tests automatically - any number of tests from 1 sec to 24 hrs apart *
- Open/Save all options and results to .csv file
- Command Line Builder (automatically builds the command line options that you need based on your current settings) *
- Plus lots more!
* Indicates a feature that is available after purchasing a full license for LAN Speed Test
Upgrade Tool is online
Are you eligible for a discounted or free upgrade? Just go here, and type in your serial number for your upgrade details
Sep 22, 2016
Our goal on this build was to make our website as high quality and simple and fast as our software! Take a look around. There have been lots of changes to the Navigation and many new features have been added.
Here's some things to look for...
- Online documentation is now available!
From the menu, choose 'Support' -> 'Online Documentation'. You can also get to it from the product's page. Both online version and downloadable .pdf versions are working.
- Downloads and Purchases are now done from the product's page
ie. Go to an item page (ie. Calc4All) and the buttons to download or purchase this item are right there.
- Past versions and Beta versions are now easy to find and download from the product's page
ie. Go to an item page (ie. Calc4All) and the links will be under 'Alternate and previous versions'.
- Blog - latest info on what's happening
Simply click on the ‘Blog’ link on the Menu at the top to see the latest blog/news posts.
- Lost Registration Lookup Utility
Lose your registration, or did it get blocked by an overzealous SPAM filter somewhere along the way? Now you can look up your purchases by your registered email address. To see the registration information, just click the button and the system will email all of your registrations to your registered email address using a different means than the automatic response after purchasing (more SPAM filter friendly). Just click on 'Support' -> 'Lost Registration'.
- Smart phone / tablet friendly
Pages automatically adjust for best viewing from all sorts of devices – big or small.