The Command Line options have been completely overhauled with version 3.0.  All LAN Speed Test configuration options are now available from the command line.  

The format to run LAN Speed Test from the command line is...

/Mode (Folder or Server IP,Test Type,Packet Size,# of Test Packets/Streams,Continuous Mode,Wait Time, Bypass Drive's Write Cache,Speed Measurement, Email Results,Log Results,Custom Log Folder, Log Notes)


LAN_SpeedTest /D1 (N:\Test,0,1000000,10,0,0,0,1,1,1,,Test)

LAN_SpeedTest /D2 (,0,1000000,10,0,0,0,1,1,1)


/? - This help screen

/D1 - Tells LAN Speed Test to run automatically with the options from the command line.  The status bars will be displayed throughout the process, and the results will be displayed when the program is finished.

/D2 - Same as '/D1', but displays just the status bars.  No results or errors will be displayed.

/D3 - Same as '/D1', but completely silent.  There are no status bars. No results or errors will be displayed.

Folder or Server IP:

Please see 'Folder or Server IP:' in the help (under instructions) for details on using this option.

Test Type (0=Successive, 1=Simultaneous):

Testing Client/Server speeds should normally be done in 'Successive Mode'.  Simultaneous testing is an advanced test.  This is usually used to test routers, switches, etc. for maximum throughput.

Packet Size (1000-9663676416 bytes):

This changes the size of the test packet that is sent to the server or the test file sent to the server's shared folder.  1000000 is a good size test packet to start with.  You can increase or decrease this to fine tune the testing with your network (on slower wireless networks, you may want to make this 500000 or less).  This packet/file is then sent and received the number of times from 'Number of Test Packets (1-1000):'.

Number of Test Packets (1-1000): (Successive Testing)

Number of packets to test successively (one after the other).  Results are displayed and logged as average throughput for all packets tested.


Number of Streams (1-25): (Simultaneous Testing)

Number of streams to test simultaneously (at the same time).  Currently, when testing to a folder, the maximum is 2 simultaneous tests due to head bouncing.  When testing to LST Server the maximun is 25 simultaneous tests.  Results are displayed and logged as maximum throughput for all streams tested.

Continuous Mode (0-25):

(0)=Don't repeat test, (1-24)=Repeat test for this many hours, (25)=Repeat until manually stopped

Wait Time (1-3600):

Number of seconds to wait between repeated tests (only applies if Continuous Mode is activated)

Bypass Drive's Write Cache (0=No, 1=Yes):

If No, LAN Speed Test will use the control panel's write cache setting (usually write cache enabled and will stop the timer after all data is written to the drive's cache memory).  If yes, LAN Speed Test will not stop the timer until all data is completely written to the hard drive regardless of the control panel's setting.

Speed Measurement (0-5):

(0)=Gbps, (1)=Mbps, (2)=Kbps, (3)=GBps, (4)=MBps, (5)=KBps

Email Results (0-1) or (1000-1000000000 bps):

SMTP settings must be set up using the 'Configuration-Email' screen before using this option from command line

(0)=Do not email results

(1)=Email average results

(bps)=Email average results as an alert only if below this bps (1000-1000000000)

Log Results (0-4):

(0)=Do not log results

(1)=Log average results

(2)=Log maximum results

(3)=Log minumum results

(4)=Log all results

Custom Log Folder:

If you would like to save the logs to a different location than the default folder location, then enter it here (ie. N:\TestFolder) - otherwise leave it blank for default folder location.

Log Notes (Optional):

Any text here will get added to the log notes for this test